Black Dirt Farm is a diversified family farm in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom. We collect food scraps from our community, forage hens, make compost and worm castings with the excess food and manure, and use them to nourish our soils and crops. Our farm is firmly based in regenerative agricultural practices and the creation of sustainable food systems. We are proud of our products and excited to share them.

Bulk compost is back in stock!

Loading hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 - 3, or by appointment

Ask us about delivery options!

Our farmstand is also stocked with bagged products and self-serve compost by the 5-gallon bucket.

Farm Products

Our diversified farm produces pasture raised eggs, meat birds, garden compost, worm castings, and seasonal greenhouse and field crops.

Compost Services

Black Dirt Farm provides weekly food scrap collection services to businesses and institutions in the Northeast Kingdom and Lamoille River Valley.

Worm Castings

Rich in microbial life and organic nutrients, this unique soil amendment cultivates the dynamic soil base that is the key to productive, thriving plants.

Uploaded by Elizabeth Rossano on 2018-07-19.